Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We have undoubtedly come a long way, to feel the intriguing sentiments that seem to connect all and sundry around the world, that same split moment when Obama was announced to have won the presidency.

I wished that our brothers, fathers, and all who had fought to impact the ideology of equality, and reaching out to one another could be in present though they were in spirit.

As the tears of joy slided down my eyes, I felt the surge of an accomplishment to great to be confined. I had to talk to somebody.

This is a symbolic moment, as we all know. This has changed millions of lives.

God knows how desperately this hope was needed, this relief is impeccable.

As Obama said" This victory alone is not the change we seek -- it is only the chance for us to make that change "

We have to face the challanges head on, this we can accomplish by being helpful to our brothers and love each other immensely without limits.

This goes beyond color, gender, status and creed.

Yes we can! Yes we will!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Judiciary arm of the Nigerian government has for some time now been showing to the world, that the Nigerian system is gradually attaining a status where the international and national interest is considered for the nation to forge ahead. I can say that although there are still some stones to be turned, the Judicairy is living up to expectation. They have returned sparks of hope to Nigerians once again.

Friday, February 22, 2008

It is very difficult, to digest the fact that Nigeria is still groping in the dark, considering the amount of wealth that is being amassed daily by the government. Do we have an explanation for the pathetic and deplorable condition in which our country has been plunged? The likes of Obasanjo who do not have any family morales, would ascend the privilaged position of a president, and will squander our wealth accrued from our natuarl resources on frivolous and white elephant projects. It is not a surprise that Obasanjo is acted the way he did, It will baffle me, if an elite as Yar'adua would permit these anomalies to continue.